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What is a Police Check, Police Clearance or Criminal Background Check?
The Australian police check is formally known as a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. It is a report that is often required when applying for employment, positions of trust, licensing, student placement and volunteer work. The police check assists organisations to make informed decisions about an individual’s suitability for:
- Recruitment, job applications and pre-employment screening
- Volunteer and not for profit positions
- Working with children or vulnerable people
- Adoption applications
- Occupation related licensing
- Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
- Firearm licensing.

In Australia, the ACIC administer the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, which can sometimes be referred to colloquially as a police check, Background Check, police check Certificate, National Police Clearance, Criminal Background Check, Criminal History Check, Criminal Record Verification and so on. All of these checks refer to the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check.
There is one centralised criminal history database in Australia, which means instead of each state having their own police check, there is only one nationally accepted police check.

Nationally Accepted Criminal Background Check
The nationally accepted police check is trusted and valid in all Australian states and territories and can be used in:
Western Australia (police check WA)
Australian Capital Territory (police check ACT)
New South Wales (police check NSW)
South Australia (police check SA)
Northern Territory (police check NT)
Queensland (police check QLD)
Tasmania (police check TAS)
Victoria (police check VIC)

What is the Process?
Buying a check from CV Screen is as simple as 1, 2, 3!
- Create and verify your account
- Complete the online application form
- CV Screen will email to you your police check certificate
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